Index all pages on Google Blogger/ Best guide for blog post index

To ensure that all your pages on Blogger are indexed by Google, follow these steps:

Create Quality Content: The first step to get your pages indexed is to publish high-quality, valuable, and original content. Google prioritizes indexing valuable content that provides value to users.

Custom Domain: If you are serious about blogging and want better visibility on search engines, consider using a custom domain instead of the default Blogger domain ( A custom domain can enhance your blog's credibility and search engine ranking.

Robots.txt: Check your blog's robots.txt file to ensure that search engine bots are allowed to crawl your site. By default, Blogger allows search engines to crawl your blog, but it's good to double-check. To do this, go to "Settings" > "Search preferences" > "Crawlers and indexing," and make sure "Enable search engine indexing" is selected.

Sitemap Submission: Blogger automatically generates a sitemap for your blog, which helps search engines find and index your content more efficiently. 

To submit your sitemap to Google, follow these steps: 

Go to Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) at 

Add your blog as a property if you haven't already verified it.

 In the left sidebar, click on "Sitemaps." 


Enter "atom.xml" (for the Atom feed) or "rss.xml" (for the RSS feed) in the provided box and click "Submit."

Internal Linking: Make sure you have a good internal linking structure within your blog. Interlinking your posts and pages helps search engines discover new content and establish a hierarchy for your site.

Social Sharing: Share your blog posts on social media platforms and encourage others to do the same. Increased social activity can lead to more visibility and potential indexing by search engines.

Fetch as Google: You can use the "Fetch as Google" feature in Google Search Console to request that Google crawls and indexes specific pages on your blog. To use this feature, go to Google Search Console, select your blog, and click on "URL Inspection" in the left sidebar. Enter the URL Please Click here for google search console of the page you want to index and click "Request Indexing."

Be Patient: Indexing may take some time, especially for new blogs. Be patient and continue to publish quality content regularly. As your blog gains more authority and visibility, Google will likely index your pages faster.

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